Google Classroom Tutorial Videos
The Norwayne Music Department uses Google Classroom extensively, especially for submitting recordings for Practice Logs and Playing Exams. The following tutorial videos show you the easiest and most efficient way to create recordings and get recordings to your Google Classroom.
The video to the right shows you how to get "Cloud Audio Recorder," the preferred app/extension you can use to record your playing exams or practice logs in Chrome
The video to the right shows you how to use "Cloud Audio Recorder"
The video to the right shows you how to get an audio file (like from "Cloud Audio Recorder" onto your Google Classroom
The video to the right shows you how to get an audio file to your Google Classroom using an iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc.)
The video to the right shows you how to get a video file from an iOS device (iPad, iPhone, etc.) to your Google Classroom
The video to the right shows you how to get a video file from a Chromebook or computer to your Google Classroom